Classic Starts - White Fang

Classic Starts - White Fang

No. pages:
160 page
136 x 190 x 15.24mm

Classic Starts - White Fang

No. pages: 160 page
Procedures: 136 x 190 x 15.24mm

Part wolf, part dog, White Fang is born into "the savage and bitter Wild of the North," a forbiding world where the law of the land is "eat or be eaten." After years of hardship, he has a opportunity for a better life by forging a friendship with man. Can White Fang leave his ways behind for a chance at love and human relationship? With Classic Starts, young readers can experience the wonder of timeless stories from an early age. Abridge for easier reading and carefully rewritten, each classic novel is filled with all the magic and excitement that made the original story a beloved favorite.