Percy Jackson and The Titan's Curse

Percy Jackson and The Titan's Curse

No. pages:
302 page
28 x 1.8 x 37.8 cm

Percy Jackson and The Titan's Curse

No. pages: 302 page
Procedures: 28 x 1.8 x 37.8 cm

It's not every day you find yourself in hand-to-claw combat with a half-lion, half-human. But when you're the son of a Greek god, these things happen. All I was trying to do was bring two new demigods back to camp. But the arrival of the manticore changed everything. Now my friend Annabeth is missing, a goddess is in chains and the general of the Titans want to unleash a tribe of skeleton warriors on the world. This is the one where only five of us heroes can join the dangerous quest to defeat the doomsday monster - and our camp's Oracle has predicted that not all of the chosen five will survive... Can Percy save Annabeth - and the rest of the world - before the curse destroys him forever?