The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata

No. pages:
912 page
13.8 x 6.4 x 20.5 cm

The Mahabharata

No. pages: 912 page
Procedures: 13.8 x 6.4 x 20.5 cm
The Mahabharata is the story of two warring factions of cousins - 100 demons in human form against five sons of gods. Woven into this epic martial tale of great and bloody battles are numerous narrative digressions and much religious instruction - including the wisdom of Bhisma, give from a deathbed of arrows, and the legendary Bhagavadgita, spoken by Krsna on the very verge of war. The enactment of eternal conflicts, it is also a vital Hindu text on the nature of dharma - the right way for each person to live his or her life, and the only way to secure an improved lot in future births.