How Zoologists Organize Things
Dịch giả:
Số trang:
256 trang
256 trang
Frances Lincoln
Frances Lincoln
Quy cách:
17.78 x 3.05 x 24.26 cm
17.78 x 3.05 x 24.26 cm
How Zoologists Organize Things
Dịch giả:
Số trang: 256 trang
NXB: Frances Lincoln
Quy cách: 17.78 x 3.05 x 24.26 cm
Humankind’s fascination with the animal kingdom began as a matter of survival – differentiating the edible from the toxic, the ferocious from the tractable. Since then, our compulsion to catalogue wildlife has played a key role in growing our understanding of the planet and ourselves, inspiring religious beliefs and evolving scientific theories. The book unveils wild truths and even wilder myths about animals, as perpetuated by zoologists – revealing how much more there is to learn, and unlearn.