The Complete Language of Flowers : A Definitive and Illustrated History
Dịch giả:
Số trang:
256 trang
256 trang
Wellfleet Press,U.S.
Wellfleet Press,U.S.
Quy cách:
8 x 0.75 x 10
8 x 0.75 x 10
The Complete Language of Flowers : A Definitive and Illustrated History
Dịch giả:
Số trang: 256 trang
NXB: Wellfleet Press,U.S.
Quy cách: 8 x 0.75 x 10
The Complete Language of Flowers is a comprehensive encyclopedia providing the meanings, powers, facts, and folklore for over 1,001 flower species.
Along with a beautiful visual depiction, each entry provides the flower’s scientific and common names, characteristics, and historic meanings and powers from mythology, medieval legends, folklore, and flower poetry.
For centuries, symbolic flower meanings have fascinated readers, writers, poets, and suddenly smitten couples alike.